Our mission is to reach the Hispanic world with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and then train them to reach the world. We exist to serve and strengthen the local Church in three primary ways:

1. Mission Board: we serve the local church by helping them to prepare and guide their Missionary in their deputation ministry. Our service helps the Missionary plan his prayer card, his display table, and manage his support legally and in order.

2. Literature Ministry: we serve the local church by selling Bibles, Discipleship Material, and Sunday School Material for all ages in Spanish at wholesale costs. We have a large Bookstore here at the Mission.

3. Training: we serve the local church by helping them to train their workers. Our Seminary is the Spanish Division of Trinity Baptist Seminary in Atlanta, Ga. We teach Bible Doctrine at the Mission and via internet each week. All of our training is in Spanish. The Seminary offers a One Year Bible Certificate, an Associate Degree in Bible Theology, and a Bachelor Degree in Pastoral Ministry.

“And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2
“Lo que has oido de mi ante muchos testigos, esto encarga a hombres fieles que sean idoneos para ensenar tambien a otros.” 2 Timoteo 2:2

The Home Office is located at 202 South Texas Ave, Mercedes, TX 78570. It is the Center of Operations for ALL the ministries of FBMI.

The Home Office is a faith based ministry (501c3) operated by the faithful support of local Churches and individuals. All that serve in the Home Office are Missionaries or Volunteers to the Mission. The Home Office receives, receipts and distributes in an orderly and timely way all donations to Missionaries and Projects of FBMI. Each church and individual donor receives a monthly contribution statement and a year end statement for their support to the ministries and Missionaries of FBMI. Please pray for the needs of the Home Office.

We thank God for volunteers that come each year to help with projects at our Home Office. Their help is essential and vital to the on going effort of maintaining the facilities that the Lord has entrusted to FBMI.

Please consider having a FBMI Sunday in your Church. Your Love Offering to FBMI will help with the expenses of operating the ministries of FBMI. Our Director or one of our Missionary would welcome the opportunity to be present on your special Sunday. Please contact our Office.


Early Church in Matamoros, Mexico

• 1951, founded by H. A, Reimer, reaching Hispanic migrant workers in Rio Grande Valley, Texas.
• 1960, FBMI was incorporated with a home office on 20 acres located in La Feria, TX
• 1972, President/Director Reimer promoted to Heaven after helping start several churches and a Bible Institute in Mexico.
• 1972, FBMI Board of Directors elected Earl H. Kilpatrick as President/Director and expanded the home office facilities and established a Spanish Literature Ministry
• 2012, 40 years later Bro. Kilpatrick resigns due to health problems
• 2013, Dr. Gary Ellison was elected as the third President /Director (see www.frontierbaptistmissions.com for an in depth history of Bro. Ellison, his family, and ministry history)
• 2017, FBMI is now serving as a full-fledged, multi-country mission board; overseeing Trinity Baptist Seminary in the countries of USA, Mexico, and Colombia; and an extensive literature ministry in the USA and other foreign countries.


TBS Graduation in Bogotá, Colombia

Trinity Baptist Seminary (TBS) exists to serve and strengthen the ministries of the local church. FBMI does this by partnering with the pastors and having their written recommendation for the training of faithful workers. TBS emphasizes Bible Doctrine, Christian character, and a Baptist philosophy of ministry. Also, each TBS student must be active in weekly participation and service at his local church. TBS offers training on three levels: 1. One Year Bible Certificate; 2. Associate Degree in Bible Theology;
3. Bachelor’s Degree in Pastoral Theology. Today TBS has locations in Mercedes, Texas; Bogotá, Colombia; Rio Bravo, Mexico; and Mexico City, Mexico. There are future plans to establish a seminary ministry in Spartanburg, SC as well as in other Spanish-speaking countries.


Book store

Solid and doctrinally sound literature is more vital today than ever before in the history of Christianity. One way in which FBMI seeks to serve and strengthen the local church is by providing Bibles, discipleship materials, Sunday School curriculum, hymnals and many other resources in Spanish at wholesale prices. Our Literature Ministry assists hundreds of Spanish churches each year with material promoting sound and fundamental doctrine. Spanish pastors, missionaries, and laymen have been purchasing Bibles, books, and Christian literature at FBMI for more than 30 years. Because of the faithful prayers and support of many churches, FBMI can continue to sell these materials at wholesale prices. For questions regarding additional materials, shipping costs, and/or availability of quantity, please contact our director of Literature Ministry at FBMI’s home office.


Frontier Baptist Missions has the infrastructure (faith based, non-profit, [501c3]) and serves in the capacity of a full-fledged mission board which specializes in partnering with Hispanic and English pastors, missionaries, and laymen. Although FBMI’s early history was primarily involved in reaching people from Mexico, today FBMI’s vision and mission statement is “reaching and training Hispanics for worldwide evangelism.”


FBMI could not exist without local churches and individuals partnering with us through prayer, financial support, and volunteer services.  Every person that serves at FBMI is a missionary or a volunteer.  There are many needs both with our missionary families on the field and at the home office of FBMI.  Would you prayerfully consider partnering with FBMI?